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Founding Partner, Chief Executive Officer
Robert is a master at transforming managers into leaders, generating high performance cultures, and creating effective organizations by design. Transforming cultures through the very people leading the organization requires altering the condition of complacency, resignation and cynicism. It calls for ultimately realizing an effective organization — one consistent with the vision of its leaders; one that sustainably delivers s on the concerns of all relevant parties — creates new possibilities for the future, and enables people to realize the futures they create.
Robert is an author and leader in the field of applying transformational technologies to mainstream business practices. He has assisted some of the world’s most prestigious global organizations in achieving quantum leaps in leadership, leadership teams, performance and productivity. He takes the view that these are critical times for business leaders to invest in their people, so that they are fully equipped to be the agents of transforming what does not work into what does work.
Partner, Chief Operations Officer
As co-founder of Legacy, over three decades Gisèle has gained a widespread reputation as an expert in transformative learning, causing deep-seated and lasting breakthroughs for individuals, teams and organizations. As a program leader for small and large-scale teams, Gisele is inspired by people’s ability to alter their view of themselves and their organizations, leading to unexpected levels of relatedness, trust and productivity that completely alters their business environment. Working with companies throughout Canada, USA, Europe and South America, she has made a profound impact in the areas of project management, productivity, operations and performance — and, most importantly, in people’s lives. She has an ability to get to the heart of the matter quickly, effectively, keep things simple and leaves people in action to realize their future.
Fluent in French, English and moderately adept in Spanish, for 30 years Gisèle has been accountable for all aspects of Legacy’s performance and operations. Prior to founding the company with Robert, her partner and spouse, she was a managing partner of two electronics firms, accountable for the firms’ consistently outstanding financial success.
Senior Consultant
Peg is highly respected as an effective and accomplished leadership coach, with a uniquely personal approach to transforming organizations and their leaders for more than 25 years.
Her expertise is centered in a unique system of one-on-one development that taps into the gifts and greatness of each client, producing profound, lasting breakthroughs in the effectiveness, power and productivity of key leaders in an organization.
Peg’s clients consistently report extraordinary improvements in their personal performance, their ability to enhance the performance of others, and their overall job and personal satisfaction. Peg works with executives whose commitments require them to reach new levels of effectiveness, either within short-term “breakthrough” initiatives, or as part of a long-term development program. Her approach enables clients to discover within themselves a new dimension of leadership and performance; as a result, the learning is permanent and profound. Armed with that discovery, they naturally produce unprecedented results, and achieve unexpected levels of accomplishment that continue to expand over time.
Senior Consultant
Greg is an accomplished consultant, transformational leader, and coach. His experience in Human Resources spans numerous business sectors and industries; organizational transformation and major strategic transitions have been his primary interest throughout his career. Greg has earned a reputation for his incisive ability to quickly diagnose issues concerning people and organizations, and to co-create practical, actionable solutions that lead to strategic success.
His passion is to help people improve their personal performance and their organizations in ways that make a significant difference. His broad experience provides a rich perspective from which to draw, in advising clients and coaching individuals on their current opportunities and needs.
Senior Consultant
Alan has been a coach and consultant in transformative learning for more than 30 years. His focus is to support clients in having breakthroughs in their leadership capabilities, and in achieving extraordinary results – on their own, and through the actions of others. His clients come from a broad range of industries; among them are pharmaceuticals, electronics, software, manufacturing, energy and healthcare – organizations in need of difference-making leaders who are courageous enough to disrupt the way things are going and make something new happen.
In the words of a recent client: “Alan’s coaching has opened my eyes to new possibilities that I never thought existed. Prior to meeting Alan, I felt overwhelmed, and running in circles. Today I feel that nothing is impossible; I am able to handle much greater capacity at work, while a fuller and more enriching life at home.
Senior Consultant
A former professional motocross athlete, Joe now applies his extensive background, using a world-champion approach in coaching and developing athletes, to organizations and leadership. He is known among clients as the “Unreasonable Man,” because of his unwillingness to accept reasons as a substitute for results. The individuals, teams and businesses with whom he has worked have a track record of miraculous results, and many are recipients of numerous national awards and championship titles.
Regardless of the industry or specialized department, Joe’s point of view is focused on leadership as the access to create and deal with any challenge that may arise. Caution: Anyone seeking just to improve or make something better, will most likely find themselves taking on the entire organization, undeterred by the limits of position, title or experience they now possess. His straightforward approach goes directly to what’s missing, and he leaves each client in action, and maximizing her/his effectiveness in the face of the challenge and opportunities at hand.
Senior Consultant
Jim Hoffman has over 35 years’ experience in leading projects, developing products, introducing technologies, starting up organizations and developing high performing leaders. Starting as an engineer and working his way up to senior management positions in high-technology manufacturing, engineering, materials management, and product development, Jim has led exceptional teams who get exceptional results.
Jim has extensive international work experience, most recently in Australia, where he helped clients achieve breakthrough safety performance on complex, multi-billion dollar, industrial construction projects. Jim is recognized as an excellent coach and facilitator, engaging clients in creating and achieving audacious goals.
Senior Consultant
Gaëtan Frechette is known for his staunch commitment to the success of the people he coaches. He is oriented around creating and expanding a culture of performance, productivity and professional accomplishment as a direct access to unprecedented business results.
Gaëtan has been successfully leading transformational programs for the last 25 years, both in English and French. He is a master at bringing Transformational education to organizations.